Artist: Mar Dean
Remixer: Ron Flatter
Title: Come With Me EP
Cat.Nr.: HA112
1. Mar Dean - Come With Me
2. Mar Dean - Volcano Pigs
3. Mar Dean featuring Nicole - Euphoria
4. Mar Dean featuring Nicole – Euphoria *Ron Flatter Remix
Coming in for a full on Hive Audio label debut after already contributing a track to our „Summer Slices Compilation 2018“ is Mar Dean, another long standing activist from the Swiss underground now aiming at international dancefloors with his „Come With Me EP“ release.
Opening with the title track „Come With Me“ Mar Dean approaches high energy TechHouse in a truly uplifting fashion, draws inspiration from classic HardBag build-ups and finally triggers ecstatic crowd reaction with a rolling monster of a bassline accompanied by masterly crafted melodic elements in motion. A true banger with a slightly progressive twist.
Dealing with „Volcano Pigs“ we see Mar Dean coming from a slightly different angle, catering a stompy, well sculpted and defo more Techno-leaning foundation drumwise before opening things up with intricate melodic interplay and slightly dubbed out House stabs, hard filtered vocal samples and ghostly FX for spine-tingling moments on the dancefloor.
Teaming up with vocalist Nicole Mar Dean is in for serious „Euphoria“ caused by hyper-harmonic, somewhat melancholia inducing chord progressions in combination with emotionally touching storytelling – all falling together to form the most beautiful electronic love song you've heard in ages.
Finally German producer Ron Flatter is in for a remix treatment, transforming and reshaping „Euphoria“ into a captivating, ever cascading TechHouse anthem infused with huge harmonic
basslines, angelic pads and a big portion of ravey, intense vibes for an ultimate peaktime takeoff.