Gerold Chuchi Logp
Gerold Chuchi Logp
Gerold Chuchi Logp

Sons of Aoide - Nightdive EP


1. Sons of Aoide - Nightdive

2. Sons of Aoide - Nemesis

The spherical dance encounters of SOA are back on Hive Audio! After their last great EP ¨Solaris" they hit back in their usual manner. Taking us onto a small trip through space and time. The title track ¨Nightdrive¨ skyjacks us to dive into the galaxy. So close but jet so far away suggest their arrangements and sounds. A sound track and yet dance music at the same time- increasing the heart beat of expressionist dancers leading to the fact that their extremities will rotate faster! ¨Nemisis¨sounds a bit darker. A bit more melancholic. But the factor of danceability exponentiates here too. The first break decides between impetus impulse or warp. It is your choice! Welcome back to the Audio Hive Cosmos!